enAvril 2014!!!
EspaceFibre: from En Avril 2012 -> 13 Juillet
EspaceFibre Activities Listed By Date
it’s too humid! We’re on vacation!!
Exhibition closed 21 June – 9 July
Reopens for final 3 days-> 10 July!!
walk the labyrinthe, magic follows!
Closing Celebration: 13 July
Exposition: Indigo Griots: Tales of an urban dyer – Montréal by Valérie d. Walker. Indigo Griots: Montréal is an intermedial (analogue -> digital and back again) lattice of exhibition, video & soundscape, artist talks, taking place at EspaceFibre’s exhibition space Galerie Valerie.
The central threads of presentation is the dyer’s obsession with the magic of colour and pattern; how magic and personal stories are entwined with collective memory. Our binding power is Indigo, an elemental power. Blending residue of Fire (Ash), Plant cakes, Water and Heat we catch Magic on our Cloth.
Valérie d. Walker in collaboration with Espace Fibre Artists Helene Brousseau, Natalie Tremblay, presents an immersive, large scale, Labyrinthine installation of Indigo dyed cloth-panels embedded with layered meanings.
In the labyrinthe are projections, onto cloth, of video extracts from the Indigo Griots, Minneapolis 2011, featuring shakuhachi flute and “tellings” by Mr. Douglas Ewart, mixed with griots experiences in Montréal around the dye pots.
Overview of schedule from enAvril -> June 2012
The Indigo-rooted natural dyeing experiences presented at EspaceFibre include:
⁃ An exposition of Indigo dyed panels creating a sensorially immersive labyrinthe in the gallery
⁃ The labyrinthe performative videos which explore the power indigo-based stories and alchemy to hold cultural memories;
⁃ A total of three (3) Indigo dyeing workshops will be offered in EspaceFibre’s Sun-filled Dye-Kitchen. The Indigo dyeing workshops will introduce various types of Indigo such as: Japanese sukumo or Polygonum Tinctorium, Bangaladeshi Living Blue Indigofera Tinctoria, and 100% micro-perl, all using enviro-friendly, non-toxic methods of reduction and creation of an alkaline environment. All natural dyes are sustain-ably produced and obtained via fair-trade relationships.
All activities take place at EspaceFibre; ( artist studios, dye kitchen and gallery spaces) located at: 2665 rue Augustin-Cantin, Montreal, (QC) H3K 1E2, 2nd floor, www.espacefibre.com
Metro Charlevoix, Green Line.
April 7 Avril: Guided artist-talk in gallery exhibition by Valérie D. Walker & Helene Brousseau.
UPCOMING!! Prochain Event! April 11 Avril 16:00 – 18:00
Talk & Demonstration of natural indigo dyeing using various resist techniques by Valérie d. Walker , dye-vat studio space & exhibition open to viewers, space limited!
(by donation).
April 14 & 28 Avril, all day 9:30 – 16:30: Shibori & Indigo dyeing ateliers en Français by Nathalie Tremblay (see description bellow). By reservation only, cost $120 (per workshop).
April 19 Avril, 16 – 21:00: Vernissage Mid-Month Celebration
(jeudi / Thursday) ** Note!! Exposition opens at 4pm that day!
April 21 Avril, All day 10:00 – 18:00: Atelier, Natural Indigo dyeing with silk & wool given by Valérie D. Walker, bilingual (see description of workshop). By reservation only, cost $110 (plus silk&wool materials). space limited!
email: indigo.val <at> espacefibre . com
April 25 Avril ( Date To be Confirmed) Atelier/demonstration of simple shiboro folding and indigo dyeing for elementary school children given by Art Education student.
April 29 Avril: Guided artist-talk in labyrinthe exhibition by Valérie D. Walker & Hélène Brousseau.